Survey time!

January 14, 2021--Your Board of Education and school division would like to know your thoughts about the recent temporary remote learning in which all students participated, before and after the holiday break.

We are asking parents, guardians, students and employees to participate in a voluntary, anonymous and confidential survey. Deadline for completing the survey is January 29, 2021.

A summary of the survey results will be on the Regina Public Schools website, when available.

Welcome Back

JANUARY 5, 2021 -- Welcome back to all staff and students. Temporary remote learning has begun for all elementary, high school and eSchool students. Schools will reopen for in-class learning for elementary and high school students on Monday, January 11, 2021.

Board Season's Greetings

DECEMBER 11, 2020 -- The Regina Board of Education has made a video wishing all Regina Public Schools employees season’s greetings. When you have a moment, please take the time to view the heartfelt messages from our trustees.

This video is also a great opportunity for parents/caregivers, students and the public to be further introduced to the new Board members. It is worth the watch! Subtitles are included in the video for the benefit of all viewers.