October 12, 2021--There have been multiple cases of COVID-19 diagnosed in individuals in the Grade 1/2 class at Dr. George Ferguson School. All close contacts have been notified. We are working closely with Public Health staff to ensure necessary measures are in place to protect all students. The virus spreads from person to person by large, respiratory droplets, like from a cough or sneeze.
As a result of the number of positive cases diagnosed, this classroom will be closed effective immediately. Remote learning will begin on Thursday, October 14 to Friday, October 22, inclusive. Please note that there is an Elementary Staff Development Day on Friday, October 15 so there will be no classes that day. Students will return to school on Monday, October 25, if they are symptom-free.
Families will be contacted by the classroom teacher regarding details for remote learning. We remind everyone entering schools to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19.
If you/your child has any symptoms of COVID-19, please call HealthLine at 811 and remain at home. If medical attention is required, please call ahead to your health care provider. If it is an emergency requiring urgent attention, call 911.
We will continue to provide additional information to parents/guardians as it is available. For further information regarding COVID-19, please call HealthLine at 811, and/or visit the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health website at www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19.