We are so excited to be welcoming back our Ferguson Falcons. The staff has been working hard to create a safe learning environment and to prepare for students return to school!
Mandatory Safety Protocols:
- Students in Grades Pre-K to Grade 8 are REQUIRED wear masks at all times when indoors. Students are not required to wear masks outside unless appropriate social distancing is not possible.
- All students and staff will use hand sanitizer whenever they enter or leave a classroom/learning space.
- Students will remain in their classroom cohorts throughout the day, with the exception of the 8:52 AM and 12:30 PM recesses.
- Students are REQUIRED to bring their own water bottles to school each day. The water fountains are turned off and in their place, we have two water bottle filling stations.
- If your child is ill, please keep them at home until the symptoms have subsided.
- All visitors are REQUIRED to wear masks when they are inside the building.
- Parents/guardians are asked to refrain from entering the building during drop off and pick up. Please arrange to meet your child(ren) at a designated spot on the playground.
- If parents/guardians “need” to enter the building, they must call the office first and confirm this with Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Sutherland, or Ms. Bradley.
- Washrooms will be disinfected twice a day and classrooms will be disinfected daily (evenings).
- Our start time for school is 9:07 AM and our end time is 3:23. Playground supervision is available from 8:52-9:07 AM and 3:23-3:38 PM.
- Play structures are NOT being sanitized so students will be asked to sanitize when coming in from recess/break.
First Day of School:
- All students in Grades 1-8 and those students in the Kindergarten A group will start school on Wednesday, September 1st, 2021.
- Students in the Kindergarten B group will start school on Thursday, September 2nd, 2021.
- Pre-Kindergarten students do not start school until September 13th. Mrs. Deis will be in contact with you prior to the 13th to discuss your child's placement.
- When families arrive, the Ferguson staff will be located in various areas on the playground. Each one will have class lists. Staff will be able to direct you to the appropriate door and let you know the name of your child's teacher. Once the bell rings, classroom teachers will read out their lists and escort their students inside.
- On the first day, parents/guardians are welcome to accompany their child(ren) to school and help them find their entrance and wait for their teacher to take them inside. At this time, parents must remain outside of the building due to ongoing COVID safety protocols.
- Additionally, class lists will be posted on the exterior walls outside each entrance. Only the classrooms that will enter through that entrance will be posted.
- Lunchrooms will be up and running on September 1st. Students who are planning to stay for lunch should pack a lunch and bring their water bottles. Lunchroom registration forms will be sent home on September 10th and should be returned ASAP.
- Additionally, EDSBY forms will be sent home. In order to receive communication from your child's teacher and the school in general, and to access your child's attendance and grades, we require that these forms be returned immediately. IF WE DON'T HAVE YOUR EMAIL, YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO ANY INFORMATION.
New Registrations:
- If you have not yet registered your child for school, you are encouraged to do so ASAP in order to ensure a smooth transition into the 2021-2022 school year. Please download the appropriate forms below and either email them to jillian.sutherland@rbe.sk.ca or drop them by the school. If you would prefer to pick the forms up, please call the office at (306) 791-8582 to arrange this.
Student Application for Pre-Kindergarten
Student Registration for Kindergarten
Student Registration for Grades 1 to 8