Dear Parents/Guardians:
If you have a child, or know of a child, who lives in the Ferguson area who will be 5 years old as of December 31, 2022, then he/she is a candidate for Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year. Please click on the following link to access registration information for next year: Student Registration for Kindergarten. If you require a paper copy to be mailed to you, please email drgeorgeferguson@rbe.sk.ca to request one.
Once completed, your child’s Kindergarten registration form can be emailed to drgeorgeferguson@rbe.sk.ca, or you can use one of the other options listed on the chart below. Please be advised that at this time we will not be asking for copies of birth certificates, health cards, or other personal documents, but once school resumes “in person,” you will need to provide these documents.
If you have a child who will be 3 or 4 years old by the beginning of September 2022 (but is not turning 5 before December 31st, 2022), then he/she is a candidate for Pre-Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year. Please click on the following link to access registration information for next year: Student Application for Pre-Kindergarten. If you require a paper copy to be mailed out to you, please email drgeorgeferguson@rbe.sk.ca to request one.
Once completed, your child’s Pre-Kindergarten registration form can be emailed to drgeorgeferguson@rbe.sk.ca, or you can use one of the other options from the chart below. Please be advised that at this time we will not be asking for copies of birth certificates, health cards, or other personal documents, but once school resumes “in person,” you will need to provide these documents.
If you have any questions or concern, please feel free to email drgeorgeferguson@rbe.sk.ca and we will get back to you as soon as possible. In addition, if you know someone who has a child who is currently not attending Dr. George Ferguson, but who fits one of the criteria listed above, please feel free to forward this email to them!