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Parent Pamphlets for Math by Grade

When you talk about math ideas and show how math is part of daily life, you are showing how math is important. You can encourage your child to think positively and be persistent as you work together to build math confidence and math understanding. With the reality of the pandemic and effect it has had on learning, many parents wonder what their child should know, where learning has been impacted, and what they can do to help their child in math.

Volunteering and the CRC

We welcome and encourage family and friends to volunteer in our school communities. Volunteer participation is an important complement to the work done by employees.

At the same time, Regina Public Schools is responsible to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff. For this reason, all volunteers who provide services to students on a recurring, scheduled basis, or who are present in a school on a recurring, scheduled basis prior to 6:00 p.m. on school days, require an original Criminal Record Check (CRC), including a vulnerable sector check.

Welcome Macy, the Therapy Dog

We are very excited to welcome Sandi Powell and her therapy dog Macy. This duo will be joining us to work with some of the classes at Dr. George Ferguson. Macy is a Scottish Terrier that has received a lot of specialized training. She took her obedience classes as Wascana Kennel Club. She took her therapy dog assessment with St. John's Ambulance. She also did agility through KAOS. She is a very patient and friendly dog. We are so excited to welcome her over to Dr. George Ferguson School! The students are sure to enjoy learning with her!