School Supply List

Hello Falcon Families!  In just a few weeks school will begin and hopefully everyone is getting excited.  

To access our 2018/2019 School Supply List, please click HERE.  

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer and we will see you on Tuesday, September 4.  

School Community Councils

Every Regina Public School and High School has a School Community Council (SCC).These SCCs were mandated by the Provincial Government to replace parent teacher associations; school councils;  and home and school associations.

To find out more about the school's School Community Council or to get involved please contact the school.

Please visit the following Regina Public School webpage for complete information:   Community Councils




We hope that our website can provide the necessary information that you seek.  For additional questions or concerns, please contact our school directly. Click the Contact link at tho top of the page or use the School Contact Info at the bottom of the page.